• Cyclass
    , 2001, agricultural school Kleßheim, Salzburg
  • Cyclass
    , 2001, agricultural school Kleßheim, Salzburg
, Kleßheim Agricultural School, Salzburg, 2001[ show text ][ hide text ]
The intention behind cyclass (“cycle assistant” = assistant for a natural cycle) was to create a place of quietness, designed to be unobtrusive and well-integrated into nature.
The starting point for the work on cyclass was reflection on the significance of water in developing the notion of cleanliness and purity over the centuries. An essential aspect of this is the fact that “natural water” is artificially channelled and then purified using sophisticated filtering methods, and has become subject to a cycle which can no longer be mastered by nature alone.

A fictive, symbolic “organ” has been implanted in the natural surroundings. From this organ, most of which is active underground, there drips as much water every day as the average daily amount consumed by a European.

The biotope was constructed with the help of an expert and the pupils of the gardening school, and the excavated earth was used for escarping.

Cyclass, 2001
Art in public space, Kleßheim Agricultural School, Salzburg, 2001
Commissioned by: Bauen + Kunst (“Construction + Art”), Province of Salzburg

Invited competition, implemented